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Winter Concert Announcement

December 2, 2023, 8 pm.
$20/$15 seniors/students

The Bel Canto Chorale will perform its Winter Concert on Saturday, December 2nd at 8:00pm at the Wantagh Memorial Congregational Church in Wantagh; 1845 Wantagh Avenue in Wantagh.

The program will include, among others, works by John Rutter, Benjamin Britten and Gino Carlo Menotti.  Tickets are $20 / $15 seniors & students.

For more information please contact Patrick Reilly at 516-459-9402 or paresq82@aol.com


submitted by George Santos, Publicity Chair, Bel Canto         Chorale.  Phone: 516-336-7536. E-mail: Fatherecology@aol.com


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