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The Hero’s Benefit

September 23, 2023, 5 pm10 pm.
THB7 2023 Flyer
The Seventh annual Hero’s Benefit will be held at The Leif Bar (6725 5th Ave, Brooklyn NY 11220) from 5-10pm on Saturday September 23rd, 2023. As always will have raffles, 50/50, giveaways, food, and LIVE MUSIC!!
Start your Saturday night off right by supporting the men and women of our United States Military!
This year all proceeds will be going to Soldier’s Angels, a 501C3 that ensures those who serve or have served are supported, uplifted, and remembered through a variety of support programs. They help military members and their families through a variety of programs, including for Veterans, expectant parents, injured service members, their families, homeless veterans, and more.
“May no soldier go unloved † May no soldier walk alone † May no soldier be forgotten † Until they all come home™”
If you’ve been with us from the beginning, any event since, or are just hearing about us now, we appreciate you. We thank you for all the support and thanks to people like you, we’ve been able to raise over $49k for various military charities, sent hundreds of care packages overseas, and helped so many heroes. We ask for your help one last time to have all the drinks and help all the heroes! ??????


6725 5th Avenue
Brooklyn, 11209