The Atelier at Flowerfield is excited to present “Inside and Outside the Box”, a solo exhibition of Dino Rinaldi’s latest artwork, opening Thursday, April 10th through May 22nd

Many years ago, while heading home to Soho walking past the ever present weekend vendors lined up on Houston St. an antique box caught Dino’s eye. He asked, “How much for that box?” The vendor replied, $20. “And that one”, pointing to the box next to it. “Also $20.” Ten seconds later the eager seller offered, “Two for twenty or one for ten.” After paying ten dollars for the first box, he gave the seller some advice. “I was ready to pay you twenty for the first box” adding, “You never want to drop your price until you see the buyer moving away from you.” Then, happily walking away with his new box, he said, “I am going to take this ten dollar box, use it for still life paintings, and turn that $10 into $10K.” The amused vendor chuckled, replying, “Okay my friend.” Dino’s first painting, his house keys, sold for $600. Since then he has sold close to a hundred thousand dollars in box paintings using his ten dollar purchase.
Born in Port Jefferson on Long Island, Dino was always encouraged by his parents to create art. After studying art at the University of South Florida he found his way into the world of advertising in New York City but as a sales agent for editors, directors and special effects artists, not as an artist. Soon he discovered the Art Students League of New York and spent the next twenty years studying and growing as an artist under such luminaries as Nelson Shanks, Costa Vavagiakis and Efraim Rubenstein. Several years ago he made the shift from advertising to “almost” full time artist, recently completing the metamorphosis.
Dino balances his art between creating commissioned work for clients, portraits of people and pets, landscape paintings of their houses, businesses and local spots, as well as portraits of actors and musicians and has recently begun recreations of famous paintings. His work can be found in collections around the world adorning walls, restaurants and various businesses. He has even painted a Grateful Dead themed school bus and has just been commissioned for a second one. He produces his art freehand using his twenty years of figure and portraiture from the Art Students League to create unique art that he muses, “Is slightly flawed like me”.He has also used his art to help chariies whenever possible by donating his animal portraits and drawings to horse and other animal rescues. He works in oil paint and pencils.
The Atelier is honored to present this solo show which opens Thursday, April 10th, with a reception at 5:30PM, and runs through May 22nd. For more information or any questions, please call 631-250-9009 or go to https://theatelieratflowerfield.org/past-and-future-exhibits.