Shakespeare in Verse, Music, & Dance

Shakespeare in Verse, Music, and Dance
By Erik Ryding
Directed by Christopher Morrongiello
Directed by Christopher Morrongiello
This exquisite program presents selected recitations from Shakespeare’s most beloved sonnets and plays set to music of the lute, recorder, virginal, harpsichord, and voice. Included are Shakespeare’s Sonnets 116 and 128 and verses from Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night, Hamlet, Sir Thomas More, As You Like It, The Tempest, and Othello. It also features dances invoked by Shakespeare, offering a rare opportunity to experience period dances based on historical choreographies. Composers include Henry VIII, John Dowland, Thomas Morley, William Byrd, Anthony Holborne, Robert Johnson, and Henry Lawes. Not to be missed!