RVC Cívic Meeting New Proposal on 24Park Ave

Open Meeting
Guest speaker invited
RVC Police Commissioner
Assembly Member Judy Griffin
Topic of discussion New Proposal on 24Park Ave
and how it will effect our community.
Nominations or Volunteers for the RVC Cívic Board.
Why you should be part of the RVC Civic Association:
- Stay informed about your town.
- Have a voice in community happenings.
- Discuss community concerns and find solutions.
- Meet neighbors and make friends.
Civic Associations have influence on what goes on in their community. Please join us at our RVC Village Civic Association meeting at
7pm on Tuesday, March 11,2025
Rockville Centre Library 221 N Village Ave.
Mark your calendar, tell your neighbors and bring a friend.
Together we can make a difference and make Rockville Centre
GREAT. For more information email ozpkcivic@gmail.com