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Homeschool Hangout (Ages 5 – 12 years)

Join Emma Clark Library’s get-together designed for homeschooled children. Kids can relax, socialize, and build friendships in a welcoming environment. Enjoy casual hangout time before diving into creative group crafts, experiments and activities that connect fun & learning! We’ll have 30 minutes of open activities and socialization followed by an hour-long learning activity. Join us for either or both!
While kids enjoy the program, parents can take advantage of everything the Library has to offer.
March 12th activities:
1:30-2:00: Open LEGO play and bracelet making
2:00-3:00: Learn a history of Ireland and build leprechaun traps
Wednesday, March 12, 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. No registration required. Open to all kids ages 5 – 12 years old.
Questions? Email kids@emmaclark.org
Note: We will also have Homeschool Hangout on April 9th!