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An Evening of Magic

April 4, 7 pm10 pm.

The Sarah Grace Foundation For Children With Cancer is hosting “An Evening of Magic with award winning Magician & Mentalist Gary Ferrar. Join us for an unforgettable evening of magic, mind reading and easygoing humor combined with food, fun and fundraising!

Friday, April 4, 2025 – 7:00 PM
MILLERIDGE INN, Philodendrum Room

Tickets are $125.00 per person.

Includes entertainment, dinner, beer, wine, soda, and dessert


                 The event is a Benefit Fundraiser to support the programs and activities our organization sponsors to help ease the burden of these families and help the children be children – not patients in a hospital.  You can purchase your tickets on the Foundation website at www.thesarahgracefoundation.org.


Order your tickets today; seating is limited – ADVANCE PURCHASE REQUIRED


585 North Broadway
Jericho, New York