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Add the Midas touch by attending a workshop on “Gilding” with Beth Drucker

October 21, 2023, 10 am3:30 pm.
Gilding image

Add the Midas touch by attending a workshop on “Gilding” with Beth Drucker, Saturday, October 21st, 10AM-3:30PM.

The gilding technique dates back as far as 1500 B.C., when Egyptian craftsmen coated wooden furniture and sarcophagi in gold foil. Examples of gilding appear in artwork from many traditions. The most renowned are Orthodox Byzantine iconography, Italian Renaissance paintings, and aristocratic furniture from the 16th century. However, the process can be just as easily applied to a flea market frame or table decoration!

Our instructor, Beth Drucker, will demonstrate then guide students on this technique. She has applied this technique in her artwork but the real beauty of this process is that in relatively little time you can turn the humblest object (a flea market frame, or decorative ornament) into something truly luxurious.

Ms Drucker is a Professor and Instructor in Fashion Concepts, Painting, Fiber Arts, Drawing and Presentation. She has been an Adjunct Professor of Fashion Design at Nassau Community College for 17 years. She is also presently an instructor for The Nassau County Department of Continuing Education. She has worked as an Adjunct Professor at SUNY F.I.T., Parsons the New School for Design, The Metropolitan Institute for Design, and (BOCES) The Long Island HS for the Arts. Ms Drucker works in Gouache, Watercolor, Acrylics, Digital Art, Fabric and Fiber. Her illustrations and designs have been published in The New York Times, Travel Magazine of CT, Viva Magazine, WWD, New York Magazine, House Magazine, Gucci International, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Her illustrations and Design work have been shown at galleries across LI.

The cost for this workshop, which includes materials, is $140 per person. Feel free to bring an object of your choice or you may apply this technique to a sheet of watercolor paper, which we will provide. For your convenience, you may register online  https://theatelieratflowerfield.org/workshops or call 631-250-9009 for more information.


2 Flowerfield, Suite 6 & 9
St. James, NY 11780 United States